Shakespeare’s plants | KS2 C1x
Did you know Shakespeare refers to around 180 plants in his works? Let’s look at Shakespeare’s plants.
The list below shows the English common names of plants as they were written by Shakespeare. Most of these names are still used in England today but a few of them have changed.

Inés is trying to write a list of Anglo-Moroccan Shakespeare plants, but she doesn’t know the contemporary English names for some of them.

Help Inés complete her list by writing the modern English names for these 12 Shakespeare plants. Use the table at the bottom of the page to help you.
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The mulberry tree wasn’t the only plant Shakespeare wrote about. In fact, he refers to around 180 plants in his works! Let’s look at Shakespeare’s plantsThe list below shows the English common names of plants as they were written by Shakespeare. Most of these names are still used in England today but a few of them have changed.

Inés is trying to write a list of Anglo-Moroccan Shakespeare plants, but she doesn’t know the contemporary English names for some of them.

Help Inés complete her list by writing the modern English names for these 12 Shakespeare plants. Use the table at the bottom of the page to help you.